With the holidays vastly approaching, There’s been a lot of changes in the world. Let’s recap:
The Site – I’ve been making some minor modifications to the site as of late to make listening to the podcast shows easier and to make the site easier on the eyes. Hell, we’ve been making the podcast shows. Hope everyone enjoys them. The pod cast is also now available on I-Tunes and Bluebrry, and PodcastReady.
The Economy – The economy has taken a crap. Hope noone out there got too effed by the economic shitter.
Gas Prices- Gas prices skyrocketed to as much as $4.00 a gallon. Since, they’ve plumetted to around $1.50. Hope the cheap gas prices have been enjoyable to all.
New job – I finally escaped from the grips of hell at the bank and found an awesome job where i’m spreading my wings and using my computer knowledge and gaining some new knowledge.
Moving – As with every year, I’ve moved again. The new hood is sweet. The new house is cool. Looking forward to starting the new year with new construction starting finally.
Hurricanes – Again, we New Orleanians got temporarilly displaced to run for our lives from a hurricane. Thankfully my new place wasn’t effed up. My condolences to the folks that it displaced for a longer stretch than mine. I definitely feel for you. For the folks in Galveston that lost everything. It sucks. I know. I hope FEMA gets or got their shit together to help get you in something close to your house so you can start getting yo.ur life back together.
Saints- well nothing really changed with them. They still unfortunately stink to high heaven. Hopefully the changes there can finally take place to bring them to the big game sometime in our lifetimes.
Snow – We got effing snow again here in NOLA on last Thursday. If that aint a change in weather, i don’t know what a change is.
In sum, we’ve all seen alot of changes, seen alot of SOS. Hope 2008 has been good as it comes to a close in the next few weeks. Till my next actual blog post, Happy holidays!