Picklescoop Show 260 – Like Water

In this episode we sit and chat with the boys from Like Water about the writing and recording process and more.  We hear another segment of Sunday Night Stars where we fond ourselves walking in the street.  P Entertainment with show reviews, inside the scene news, and more.  Lastly,  everyone’s FAVORITE weatherman, Bob Pick!  Another mediocrity transcending episode!


Picklescoop Show 259 – Crisis Lab & Krazy

In this episode,  we chat with the boys from Crisis Lab Studios about the recording process and growing up pains.  We also are joined by Krazy as we reflect on his time on the show and hear a new segment of Sunday Night Stars back from Hollywood.  We also discuss restaurants, the MHOG comedy show, and more in P Entertainment.


Picklescoop Show 258 – Marvel v DC (Lattie vs Elder)

In this episode we go to throws over which Comic Franchise is doing it right with Popcorn Piss & Vinegar‘s Chris Tarride and Night Stars Artist Tim Lattie.  More Sunday Night Stars comes back from Hollywood,  a rewrite to the original script,  and P Entertainment.

Marvel v DC - Lattie v the Elder

Picklescoop Show 257 – Jawa Command

In this episode, we are joined by Grant and P-Doty of Jawa Command as they tell us about their upcoming show at Southport Hall.  KiahKrik also joins us in studio.  We discuss their history in the New Orleans music scene and their concerns about its future.  Another segment of Sunday Night Stars.  Tune in!

P Doty Jawa Command

Picklescoop Show 256 – Billsberry Flowboy

In this episode Billsberry Flowboy tells us about his upcoming show,  challenges Cheese in Tecmo Bowl, and discusses his video game game.  We hear a new Sunday Night Stars, Mebra 2016 enters the presidential contest, and of course P Entertainment.  Another life altering episode!

Billsberry Flowboy New Orleans Rapper