Picklescoop Show 239 – Live from Southport Hall

Tune in as we’re joined by J Alfred Potter, HHH, Cheese, The Tomb of Nick Cage, Rick Flavored Arsenal, Dion and many more.  I think you can literally hear the wheels come off the track in this one.


Picklescoop Show 238 – Mad Mike – Return of Sunday Night Stars – Lazy Eye

In this episode,  we’re joined in studio by Lazy Eye and we get a call from Mad Mike where we catch up with him.  We get the sound tracks back from Hollywood for Sunday Night Stars,  the news,  and we salute a fallen friend.


Picklescoop Show 237 – Simple Life – Family Chronicles Finale

In this episode,  we’re joined in studio by the band Simple Life. We discuss their new album and their “despise” of Zachary.  We hear where Family Chronicles end, and we discuss some local shows, camping and of course,  the news.  And we have free tickets to Southport Hall upcoming shows for callers.  Another mind altering episode!


Picklescoop Show 236 – Cerebral Drama – Family Chronicles- Ali B-Day Bash

In this episode, we celebrate Ali’s birthday as the birthday weekend continues.  We recap the ZES show and the MHOG comedy show. Cerebral Drama joins us in studio,  Family Chronicles goes deep as Silicon Dave joins the cast,  and of course Pickle and the news.  All here on  another life altering episode.
