Sunday Night Stars – Episode 197 – Goatboys and Scotty

As we near completion of the audio recording for Sunday Night Stars the Movie,  we catch up with the Goat Boys and Scotty who slam out their roles for the Summer blockbuster of the Century.

Piklescoop Show 195 – Sunday Night Stars: Fox-in it up with Bigfoot love

In this episode, the Sunday Night Stars are on the set again.  Tonight we are joined by a slew of stars including Richoux, Foxy, Krazy, Silicon Dave, Mayday, Pickle, Czar, and it’s all kept in control by Sandra.

Picklescoop Show 193 – Mad Mike

In this episode,  we chat with Mad Mike about his blog the Ground Score,  his trials and tribulations on the street, and more.  We also start to uncover some of the scenery to be used in Sunday Night Stars – The Movie.  Turn On,  You’re tuned in, to another life altering  episode of the Picklescoop Show!